Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chocolate Chip Pound Cake, Yum!

         In Athens I typically would get my mom to buy a Cecilia cake for my birthday (red velvet, only the best).  This year, however, I am too far from Athens for a Cecilia cake so instead I made my own birthday cake. I love pound cake and chocolate so a combination of the two is basically my match made in heaven.  I found a recipe online that looked good and importantly was made from scratch (no boxed cake mixes for this one!) It turned out well and wasn't too difficult to make so I will share the recipe (linked above) and some photos below.  It was very exciting to use my KitchenAid which actually fits in our new kitchen:) The only difficult part of this cake was the icing. I made it and starting pouring it on, making a lovely little design as I went, but unfortunately it started coming out too fast and exploded all over the cake. Soo in the end I just iced the pound cake and Hace enjoyed licking the bowl!
Using the KtchenAid! It totally makes it taste better.

Before going into the oven...

Complete project, icing = struggle!
Hace enjoying the drizzle/icing


  1. That cake looks delicious! Excited to follow your blog! :)

  2. yayy! I'm so pumped about this blog! definitely adding it to the list I read every day:) love you sal!

  3. Yummy! Can't wait to read and follow along :) I love vicariously living through people's blogs who are so fashionable and can cook, haha...two things I'll say I haven't really mastered, love you sal!

  4. Yay Sally! I'm so excited for your blog! I definitely want to make this cake at some point! It looks amazing! I love you!

  5. so excited to find you had a blog! hope you and hace are doing well in st. louis!
